These are a people who really discourage the struggle. If they are white, it is easy to understand where their disinterest stems from- but for a brother or sister of common colour to show contempt is a unique form of ignorance. It suffices me to say that ignorance isn't a privilege but a pestilence. A pervasive pesticide subliminally, institutionally and socially encouraged by those who would benefit in the maintenance of the status quo. I would that people be silent if they aren't going to offer up any constructive and informed critique to those who choose to 'box themselves' in whatever colour of political ideology- whether its yellow, blue, red or green for that matter.
What further exacerbates my anger is the fact that some would rather actually take time off to argue that there really is no problem to begin with. For a person to abstain from problem solving initiatives is one thing but for one to actually try and actively argue that the problem doesn't exist is another. Such apolitical people become enemies of progress. They become obstacles to ground level soldiers and are really microcosms of the type of upper level rhetoric expressed by those managing the system being opposed.
The illusion of such neutral people is that they fail to see that by putting so much energy and effort in going about their apathy, a stance is actually taken. This is a counter revolutionary stance as they actively discourage activism by looking down upon the efforts of political participants. This illusion is actually etched by the same structure being opposed- one which encourages individualism and white hegemony. Such neutral people are quite ignorant of the fruits yielded by the 'unattractive' politics they so want to distance themselves from. This is because more time is spent on negative news headlines concerning political organizations and figures than it is actually grasping grass root concepts of power, identity and consciousness. The illusion of neutrality is that the apolitical believe that they are pure and objective and not involved in the issues and thereby making them more enlightened to express their opinions and views. Sadly, one couldn't be any further from the truth. As it has been quoted before- there is no virtue in being neutral.
Linguistically when you engage a person who chooses to not identify with any political stance (or atleast identify what umbrella they fall under) is that they have a field day tearing down a person's walls yet they themselves don't expose themselves to the same vulnerability. Such is a cowardice you will find with such individuals. It is almost like fighting an invisible person. Such apolitical people hide behind the 'I DONT BELONG TO ANY PARTY' reasoning because it so convenient to throw stones and attack other buildings when you yourself have no foundation of your own. Socially they are obstacles as they mislead potential future agents of change with their distorted approach towards social issues.
It really does not take alot to write what I wrote.
It is actually quite easy to express yourself when what you are expressing are deep felt convictions you can almost articulate half asleep with your mouth full of food. (This is why this blog exists in the first place: for elongated rants which go beyond twitter and facebook platforms). As Ravi Zecharias once said 'when arguing convictions, it is better to hope for a civil outcome than it is to hope that your counterpart will be persuaded to see things otherwise'.
There really is nothing to appreciate in one who is on the fence- especially when they are able to be a part of the solutions. If apolitical people truly want to be neutral they should not be quick to conclude that things are how they seem on the surface. True neutrality will be having an informed viewpoint on matters. A viewpoint not clouded by their emotions but one which takes into consideration the fact that politics is an emotional practice aswell. Apolitical people could be useful if they would empathize more than they patronize. They could be pivotal in narrating the experiences of those who are involved and not add to the many hurdles faced by those in the fields.
Honestly, if your critique isn't constructive- it isn't worth recognition.